STEM Hub selects Gorge Chief Science Officers

The Columbia Gorge STEM Hub recently introduced the 17 middle and high school students from Hood River and The Dalles who will serve as Chief Science Officers this coming school year. These students are joining a cohort of peer-elected student leaders from across eastern and southern Oregon. In their role as CSOs, students will be […]
CSO Jakob – Michigan

Before my first day of leadership training I was excited, nervous and didn’t know what to expect, but by the time I got there and saw all the smiles I knew it was going to be a great day. My favorite session that day was the STEMazing race which made you think as a group […]
CSO Inspiration

“Inspiration derives from a myriad of ways; culture, background, and experiences. Personally, the most prevalent of these has been my experiences as a Chief Science Officer this past year and now as an Alumni. Initially beginning my impactful journey as a CSO in June 2018, instantaneously I was immersed in a sense of purpose. Being […]
Being a CSO – Valentina

All my life I’ve wanted to do something important. I’ve wanted to have some kind of significant impact on others; some way to create beneficial change. I had frequently tried to do this as a younger student, but I never figured out how to in a profound way, that is until now. By being elected […]
Argus Observer: The Chief Science Officers Program One of Several Important STEM Efforts in Oregon

The Argus Observer, the Ontario, Oregon-based newspaper, highlighted the Chief Science Officer program and its direct impact on STEM efforts. The article noted that the CSO program has fourteen high school CSOs at Vale, Nyssa, and Ontario high schools, in addition to the program’s adult advisers. The article said: “(The Chief Science Officers initiative) gives […]
PODCAST: Chief Science Officers on Phoenix Business Radio X

We thank Karen Nowicki and the Phoenix Business Radio X team for hosting a two-part podcast on the Chief Science Officer program. The first podcast features the following STEM professionals: SciTech Institute Executive Director Jeremy Babendure Stephanie Schwab, STEM Program Administrator for Montgomery County Intermediate Unit and a member of the PA STEM Experience for […]
Cochise County Chief Science Officers Visit Coronado Dairy, Learn about Dairy Farming and STEM

This past Friday, on April 12, the Cochise County Chief Science Officers visited the Coronado Dairy in Wilcox, Arizona during their exciting Spring Field Trip. Shelby Kirk and Moiria White, who work at Coronado Dairy, hosted the Chief Science Officers for a two-hour tour of the Coronado Dairy business and learned everything from running a […]
STEM Day was a Huge Success

“A big thanks to everyone for a successful STEM Day, fun was had by all! Last Wednesday, we had our first STEM day which was completely organized and run by our STEM council and volunteers students. Looking at last year’s Stem night feedback, STEM Council decided to do STEM Day instead of Stem night as […]
CGUHS Robotics Team

“This past weekend at the Arizona North Regional robotics tournament in Flagstaff, [CSO] Chloe was selected to represent Arizona as a Dean’s List Finalist in the FIRST Robotics Competition World Championship in Houston next month. This is a very high honor and is awarded to a student who best exemplifies the ideals of FIRST – […]
A Gift from STEM Sports

“I received the STEM sports kit free of charge via the Phoenix Suns. After the brief introduction at the Talking Stick Arena, I was given a kit. I presented the kit to my Chief Science Officer (CSO) at my school. CSOs are students who bring STEM to their schools. She jumped at the opportunity to bring […]