Tempe, AZ residents check out ViaSat-2 Wi-Fi service during community event

” About 3,000 people in Tempe, Ariz. tapped into Wi-Fi beams from the ViaSat-2 satellite during Tempe’s March 20 Geeks Night Out event. Viasat, which has a campus in Tempe, set up and donated several hours of its Community Wi-Fi service during the 8th annual gathering, during which the city and more than 70 organizations invited […]
Winners of Wonder

CSOs and Advisors participated in “Winners of Wonder” training session. Schools were invited to form competitive FLL teams and work with Anna Prakash. “Thank you for taking our programs to your schools. Looking forward to working with everyone in Fall.” – Anna Prakash, Ph.D., Sr. Materials Engineer, Intel Corporation, Co-Founder: Education Empowers.
STEM Day was a Huge Success

“A big thanks to everyone for a successful STEM Day, fun was had by all! Last Wednesday, we had our first STEM day which was completely organized and run by our STEM council and volunteers students. Looking at last year’s Stem night feedback, STEM Council decided to do STEM Day instead of Stem night as […]
CGUHS Robotics Team

“This past weekend at the Arizona North Regional robotics tournament in Flagstaff, [CSO] Chloe was selected to represent Arizona as a Dean’s List Finalist in the FIRST Robotics Competition World Championship in Houston next month. This is a very high honor and is awarded to a student who best exemplifies the ideals of FIRST – […]
Chief Science Officers travel to Hemlock Semiconductor

Chief Science Officers (CSOs) and advisors from throughout the Great Lakes Bay Region met for their last cabinet meeting of the academic year at Hemlock Semiconductor on Tuesday, March 12th. CSOs enjoyed a “behind the fence” plant tour, as well as activities and demonstrations such as programmable logic controllers, safety equipment, pressure/flow, problem solving, and […]
CSO Presentation at Monday, February 18, Board of Education Meeting

Thank you to Adrianne Cole, Director of STEM at Saginaw Valley State University, MPS Chief Science Officer Advisors Jennifer Lenon, Thomas McNamara, Michael Servinski and Christine Brillhart and Midland Public Schools student Chief Science Officers (CSO) who presented information about the goals of the CSO program, local & worldwide impact, opportunities for students, and thank […]
A Gift from STEM Sports

“I received the STEM sports kit free of charge via the Phoenix Suns. After the brief introduction at the Talking Stick Arena, I was given a kit. I presented the kit to my Chief Science Officer (CSO) at my school. CSOs are students who bring STEM to their schools. She jumped at the opportunity to bring […]
Michigan Spring Cabinet Meeting

Michigan CSOs held a Spring Cabinet Meeting at Covenant Hospital. Chief Science Officers and Advisors had a tour of the Sim lab, interactions with many health professionals – respiratory therapy, nursing, radiology, pharmacy, security, clinical engineering, and many more. We are proud of this fantastic group of young STEM leaders! #svsu
CGUHS students want to bring science, business and schools together for fair

CASA GRANDE — Merlin D’souza, 15, and Chloe Buchanan, 16, love science. On March 2, they plan to share their enthusiasm for science with the community while bringing together students, businesses and learning institutions for a daylong science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics fair in Peart Park. “The STEAM fair is a full-circle event,” Buchanan […]
Lemelson-MIT InvenTeam in Casa Grand

Hi, my name is Merlin. I am an Arizona Chief Science Officer at Casa Grande Union High School. As a Chief Science Officer, I have been given the opportunity to share my passion for STEM. A Chief Science Officer is an ambassador for STEM, who is given the chance to provide exposure to other students […]