Making Friends – FOREVER!

CSO Yolanda, Oregon, USA Hello I’m Chief Science Officer Yolanda from Nyssa High School in Nyssa, Oregon. I cannot begin to explain how much the week in Washington, D.C. for the 2nd Annual CSO International Summit has meant to me as one of 6 Oregon delegates. I am proud to have had the opportunity to […]
My trip to the USA!

CSO Awrad, Kuwait Hi I am Chief Science Officer Awrad, the elected CSO of Kuwait. CSO Abdullah and I spent a week in Washington, D.C. and it was nothing but awesome! Each day was full of amazing places and people. Let me tell you about my experience in the US Capitol. Monday we started the […]
2019 CSO International Summit

CSO Aditya, Georgia, USA For me this program has always been what I am most proud to share with others. This program has cultivated my passion for STEM and showed me that it is not just about how much you know or how skilled you are, but about how one can effectively share that passion […]
My 2nd CSO Summit in D.C.

CSO Marissa, Arizona, USA Hi, I’m Chief Science Officer Marissa, a member of the Arizona Leadership Council and the International Leadership Council. To you, the reader, if you can imagine a sliver of the emotions and passions that go behind every word of this, you can begin to imagine the impact of the Chief Science […]