Chief Science Officers Start a STEAM Lunch Club in Oregon

Hailey and Leah are the Chief Science Officers from Wy’East Middle School in Odell, Oregon and this year, they started a STEAM lunch club for fellow students and it was a success. In their own words, the STEAM lunch club has been a great success for their school and classmates: “For our action plan this […]

Eastern Oregon CSO Spring Summit

Chief Science Officers from three STEM Hubs across Eastern Oregon met in Boardman for the CSO Spring Summit! During the event, CSOs from Frontier, Greater Oregon and Colombia Gorge regions had the opportunity to work collaboratively and discuss what they hope to implement in the upcoming year. Each school had the opportunity to share their […]

PODCAST: Chief Science Officers on Phoenix Business Radio X

We thank Karen Nowicki and the Phoenix Business Radio X team for hosting a two-part podcast on the Chief Science Officer program. The first podcast features the following STEM professionals: SciTech Institute Executive Director Jeremy Babendure Stephanie Schwab, STEM Program Administrator for Montgomery County Intermediate Unit and a member of the PA STEM Experience for […]

Buena High School CSOs

CSOs from Buena High School received a trip to the University of Arizona BioSphere 2 on Friday, April 5, 2019.  They had the opportunity to explore and collaborate with STEM professionals while on site. “I just wanted to share this video we made for all of the folks up at CSO HQ in Phoenix. Thank […]

Tempe, AZ residents check out ViaSat-2 Wi-Fi service during community event

” About 3,000 people in Tempe, Ariz. tapped into Wi-Fi beams from the ViaSat-2 satellite during Tempe’s March 20 Geeks Night Out event. Viasat, which has a campus in Tempe, set up and donated several hours of its Community Wi-Fi service during the 8th annual gathering, during which the city and more than 70 organizations invited […]

Winners of Wonder

CSOs and Advisors participated in “Winners of Wonder” training session.  Schools were invited to form competitive FLL teams and work with Anna Prakash. “Thank you for taking our programs to your schools.  Looking forward to working with everyone in Fall.” – Anna Prakash, Ph.D., Sr. Materials Engineer, Intel Corporation, Co-Founder: Education Empowers.  

STEM Day was a Huge Success

“A big thanks to everyone for a successful STEM Day, fun was had by all! Last Wednesday, we had our first STEM day which was completely organized and run by our STEM council and volunteers students. Looking at last year’s Stem night feedback, STEM Council decided to do STEM Day instead of Stem night as […]

CGUHS Robotics Team

“This past weekend at the Arizona North Regional robotics tournament in Flagstaff, [CSO] Chloe was selected to represent Arizona as a Dean’s List Finalist in the FIRST Robotics Competition World Championship in Houston next month. This is a very high honor and is awarded to a student who best exemplifies the ideals of FIRST – […]

Chief Science Officers travel to Hemlock Semiconductor

Chief Science Officers (CSOs) and advisors from throughout the Great Lakes Bay Region met for their last cabinet meeting of the academic year at Hemlock Semiconductor on Tuesday, March 12th. CSOs enjoyed a “behind the fence” plant tour, as well as activities and demonstrations such as programmable logic controllers, safety equipment, pressure/flow, problem solving, and […]