Making Friends – FOREVER!
CSO Yolanda, Oregon, USA Hello I’m Chief Science Officer Yolanda from Nyssa High School in Nyssa, Oregon. I cannot begin to explain how much the week in Washington, D.C. for the 2nd Annual CSO International Summit has meant to me as one of 6 Oregon delegates. I am proud to have had the opportunity to […]
CSO Inspiration
“Inspiration derives from a myriad of ways; culture, background, and experiences. Personally, the most prevalent of these has been my experiences as a Chief Science Officer this past year and now as an Alumni. Initially beginning my impactful journey as a CSO in June 2018, instantaneously I was immersed in a sense of purpose. Being […]
STEM Hub selects Gorge Chief Science Officers
The Columbia Gorge STEM Hub recently introduced the 17 middle and high school students from Hood River and The Dalles who will serve as Chief Science Officers this coming school year. These students are joining a cohort of peer-elected student leaders from across eastern and southern Oregon. In their role as CSOs, students will be […]
Chief Science Officers Start a STEAM Lunch Club in Oregon
Hailey and Leah are the Chief Science Officers from Wy’East Middle School in Odell, Oregon and this year, they started a STEAM lunch club for fellow students and it was a success. In their own words, the STEAM lunch club has been a great success for their school and classmates: “For our action plan this […]
Eastern Oregon CSO Spring Summit
Chief Science Officers from three STEM Hubs across Eastern Oregon met in Boardman for the CSO Spring Summit! During the event, CSOs from Frontier, Greater Oregon and Colombia Gorge regions had the opportunity to work collaboratively and discuss what they hope to implement in the upcoming year. Each school had the opportunity to share their […]