2019-2020 Montly Themes

Check out all of the monthly themes for this year’s communication! If you feel like you have a story that fits of our themes send it on over to cpena@chiefscienceofficers.org! July: Start to a journey – Aspirations for the year August: Inspiration & Passions. September: Teamwork – the power of diversity and collaboration October: Advice […]

PODCAST: Chief Science Officers on Phoenix Business Radio X

We thank Karen Nowicki and the Phoenix Business Radio X team for hosting a two-part podcast on the Chief Science Officer program. The first podcast features the following STEM professionals: SciTech Institute Executive Director Jeremy Babendure Stephanie Schwab, STEM Program Administrator for Montgomery County Intermediate Unit and a member of the PA STEM Experience for […]

Winners of Wonder

CSOs and Advisors participated in “Winners of Wonder” training session.  Schools were invited to form competitive FLL teams and work with Anna Prakash. “Thank you for taking our programs to your schools.  Looking forward to working with everyone in Fall.” – Anna Prakash, Ph.D., Sr. Materials Engineer, Intel Corporation, Co-Founder: Education Empowers.