Saginaw Valley State University will host two days of workshops and fun learning activities for more than 50 middle school and high school students from the Great Lakes Bay Region who will serve as “chief science officers” in their schools during the upcoming academic year.
The students will be on SVSU’s campus Tuesday, Aug. 22 and Wednesday, Aug. 23 to receive instruction on how to encourage their classmates to take a greater interest in learning the STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) disciplines. Tuesday’s activities include a “STEMazing Race” around campus from 10:40 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Wednesday will conclude with a STEMonstration Showcase from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Modeled after a similar program that has proven successful in Arizona, middle and high school students are elected by their peers to be a “chief science officer” and then are empowered to influence a wide range of STEM opportunities in their schools and communities. The goal is to have students take an active role in increasing student interest in the STEM fields and ultimately create a diverse pipeline of STEM leaders.
SVSU received a $40,000 grant from The Dow Chemical Company Foundation to run the community-minded pilot program at middle schools and high schools in Bay, Midland and Saginaw counties for the 2017-18 school year.