CSOs rallied to #MakeItHappen for the 6th year, in spite of the pandemic!

Over the past 18 months, Chief Science Officers have been in search of INCREDIBLE and they have not had to look very hard. They found it based inside one another.

Through Zoom, Hangouts, Meets and more, the students from around the global network were able to get connected to share inspiring Action Plans for 2020-21. 

CSO Iraj hosted online training on how to make iMovies while CSOs in Oregon created mask holders using a 3D printer to support first responders! CSO Lauren hosted an online engagement activity with Maricopa County Air Quality Department while CSO Hailey met with the National Inventors Hall of Fame Outreach team to understand the Innovation Force Kits! She invented her own superhero.

CSO Cyra and her team were able to launch CSO Perspective – a YouTube channel highlighting CSOs around the world!

Thank you Chief Science Officers! We are proud of what you accomplished.

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