The following post was created by CSO Caillou recalling his recent trip to Sonora, Mexico.
The power of the CSO program is that it elevates student voice, empowering positive changes in education by education’s most important constituents. By creating a global STEM network of passionate students, collaboration allows for each CSO to have the backing and support of students from Kuwait to Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.
El poder del programa CSO es que eleva la voz de los estudiantes, lo que permite cambios positivos en la educación por parte de los constituyentes más importantes de la educación. Al crear una red global de estudiantes apasionados STEM, la colaboración permite que cada CSO tenga el respaldo y el apoyo de los estudiantes desde Kuwait hasta Hermosillo, Sonora, México.
The Arizona-Mexico Commission (AMC) has, “A proven legacy of cross-border collaboration for mutual prosperity.” This legacy expands to that of education as this year the CSO program was recognized at the meeting by both governors. This was a terrific opportunity to increase the public knowledge of the program as we look to expand the program nationwide.
El AMC tiene “Un legado comprobado de colaboración transfronteriza para la prosperidad mutua”. Este legado se extiende al de la educación, ya que este año el programa CSO fue reconocido en la reunión por ambos gobernadores. Esta fue una excelente oportunidad para aumentar el conocimiento público del programa a medida que buscamos expandir el programa a nivel nacional.
The AMC proved to be a great platform to connect with professionals on both sides of the border. Cultivating these connections with the likes of Arizona Governor Ducey; Sonora Governor Pavlovich; President of NAU, Rita Cheng; NASA representatives; and many other business leaders that can help us impact students in Mexico, Arizona and globally.
El AMC resultó ser una gran plataforma para conectar con profesionales en ambos lados de la frontera. Cultivando estas conexiones con los gustos del gobernador de Arizona Ducey; Gobernador de Sonora Pavlovich; Presidente de NAU, Rita Cheng; Representantes de la NASA; y muchos otros líderes empresariales que nos pueden ayudar a impactar a las OSC en México, Arizona y globalmente.
While in Hermosillo I had chance to bond with the 14 CSOs in the region, learn about their challenges and giving them advice on implementing action plans. This set the foundation to expand the CSO program throughout Mexico as these 14 CSOs will be the future of the program there.
Mientras estaba en Hermosillo, tuve la oportunidad de vincularme con las 14 CSO de la región, aprender sobre sus desafíos y darles consejos sobre la implementación de planes de acción. Esto sentó las bases para expandir el programa de CSO en todo México, ya que estas 14 OSC serán el futuro del programa.
What’s Next?
My trip to Hermosillo, SON, MX was certainly a rewarding trip in giving me experience to be successful later in life as well as helping the CSO program gain relationships to allow the program to expand to all of Mexico. However, my ultimate responsibility lies with the students I was elected to represent. After visiting Washington D.C. earlier in October and now Hermosillo I am more driven than ever to help Skyline students succeed and foster growth in STEM education.
The connections and experiences I gained in Mexico will not only benefit myself, but all of Skyline as well. Beginning in January I hope to start an election process to start training the next generation of successful Skyline CSOs, using this trip to show how much positive change one can create if they become a CSO. Then in February my action plan is to bring a panel of STEM professionals to speak to Skyline students and inspire the next generation of STEM innovators.
A special thanks to:
CSO international project team, Dr. Babendure, Kelly Greene; All Sonora CSOs and regional leads; Mesa Public Schools, Colleen Howard, Skyline High School Faculty, Mr. Jacobs; AZ Commerce; AMC; all CSO sponsors