Meet Chief Science Officer Jinia from Sonoran Science Academy in Chandler, Arizona

As a first year CSO, I hope to increase STEM exposure in my community so my peers can realize the future they may have in STEM. I believe that anyone can have potential in STEM if they find a category in STEM that resonates with them. More people in STEM can create more innovation and technology to benefit humanity. Furthermore, I would also like STEM to be a category for anyone to partake in regardless of gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc. One of my recent passions surfaced while I was in middle school.

From 7th-9th grade I competed in a competition based club named Science Olympiad. Science Olympiad is a team based competition challenging students in different aspects of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Students participate in “events” that can range from Anatomy, Aeronautics, Robotics, Meteorology, Experimental Design, etc. Science Olympiad has been one of the most significant passions in my middle and high school years thus far. From Science Olympiad, I learned about many fields of STEM and possible career options for the future. Participation in a variety of school activities has helped me to gain  valuable experience for teamwork and leadership skills.

Jinia from Sonoran Science Academy in Chandler, Arizona.

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